Application Security Posture Management

Software is ubiquitous; Software drives our daily lives. With growing use of applications and digital services continuously, Organizations of various sizes have a need to consider how to evaluate application security against newer attack vectors and threat scenarios.
Application Security as a practice helps Organizations evaluate risk as a hollistic approach. Whether it be threat modeling exercise or in actively thwarting malicious bot traffic as response to emerging threats, there are well established processes to help achieve a specific goals:
"Help business services operate normally, even when subject to attacks."

Application Security Posture


Numerous application security tools can be employed across various stages of Software Development Lifecyle as specific activities - From threat modeling through runtime application security protection.


Application Security scores from different activities need to be measured and be repeatable. Risk induced by software services - potential for exploitation, configuration errors, attack surface and etc.

Our offering

Inspektre ASPM

With continuous monitoring, inspektre helps create precise metrics and establish current risk profile.

Deep Insight

Gain deep insight into source-code repositories & automate security requirements fulfillment.


Attack patterns knowledge-base to describe malicious actor behaviour.

Priority lanes

3 Security lanes to classify projects based on assurance levels.


Modules for security metrics & maturity measurements continuously.